Honestly all 5 of these for me!! Waking up before my kids, even if just for a few minutes to sip coffee is such a treat. And yes to those special days when we have the motivation and extra minutes for a more indulgent breakfast spread. I've also stepped back from social media and will only access it on my computer now which feels a lot more intentional. And last year I did a year of no new clothes and I had so many amazing takeaways, I'm glad you've found the "slow" benefits in that shift too.

Another thing for me has been opting for comfort movies instead of the overwhelming infinite amount of new streaming content. It's brought a surprising amount of slow to my life-- each month I write a list of older movies I want to watch, and it takes me about one weekend to watch a full movie (because #kids lol), but it's nice to have the list drafted so I can bypass the "what should we watch?" jig.

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Ohh I love the idea of opting for older movies. There is a lot of pressure to keep up with what everyone’s talking about - it can be so overwhelming (and I know my newsletter adds to this noise!). Thanks for sharing!

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Oct 3Liked by Alisha Ramos

A hobby I’ve started that is unexpectedly making me slow down is weight lifting at a strength club that uses barbells. My normal “get this checked off the list” approach doesn’t serve me here. Instead it forces me to be thoughtful on approach, ensure I’m in my body and my posture is strong and then slowly, intentionally do the movement.

So unexpected, so humbling and getting stronger is the best.

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Oh wow I love this. Thank you for sharing!

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Oct 3Liked by Alisha Ramos

All I could think was, I admire anyone who can wake up at 6 am 😃 but the idea is so valid! I am a night owl, so I’m the last to bed and I love the quiet time.

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Loved this interview!

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Thank you, I’m so glad!

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Needed this!! I am historically *terrible* at slowing down. I would like to say I am working on it this fall, but looking at my calendar, that would be a lie... perhaps in winter!

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I was thinking much the same 😂

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it's a work in progress 😅

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Small steps ahaa!

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Oct 3Liked by Alisha Ramos

That’s wonderful you’ve found a sense of contentment lately.

After a recent move back to the city, I’ve been seeking out places of quiet as a way to slow down. Sometimes, it will be as simple as taking a less-busy street on the walk to preschool. I’ve also been trying to read more, and like the idea of setting a timer for downtime. With the hustle culture, it’s so easy to feel guilty for taking time to myself!

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Oct 2Liked by Alisha Ramos

Fall is the perfect time to slow down. Nature is getting ready to hibernate and plants are preparing to go dormant. It’s a great time to take stock and decide how to ramp back up in the spring.

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Thank you, Alisha! I loved our chat—and definitely connect with all of the ways you're slowing down, too (especially reading)! Wishing you a slow and nourishing fall. 🐌🌱✨🌞💙🍁🍂

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I'm disturbed by the use of branding names as descriptive terms. Unless those company names actually add to the description of the noun or process being writen about, they seem to become more a selling point. I'm talking specifically about the use of "Apple watch" to describe a timer. I have a timer on my watch. It's a Casio, which provides me with timing points very easily. I don't refer to it as my Casio watch, I just use it as a timer when I need to. Otherwise, I very much agree with what you're talking about in terms of slowing down, taking time to simple enjoy the change in the sky as the morning comes, savor watching the birds as they feed at our bird feeders, and see a quilt come together that I've taken the time to layout and develop myself. I also realize that I'm very lucky to be able to do this in terms of the time and money.

Thanks! Ruth Crump

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You’re right, you can use any timer or watch you have on hand! I just happen to own/use an Apple watch and was writing about my own experience.

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