I deeply, deeply need community too. I signed up for a baby music class for me and my 7-month-old to hopefully meet some moms and get us out of the house one day a week.

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Gosh it is sooo hard. The music class sounds great - I love the idea of having that weekly routine. That’s what I’m missing currently. Hopefully you’ll see some familiar faces in each class!

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Sep 13Liked by Alisha Ramos

In terms of community building, it can be so hard to find that! We’ve been going to our tot group at our synagogue which has been great.

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obsessed with this chatgpt prep idea..! thank you for featuring what to cook! adore you and hope the fam ate at least one bite :)

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they rated both the meals 5 stars! (well, I think our one-year-old gave it 5 stars, based on how much turkey she was furiously stuffing into her mouth)

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Sep 15Liked by Alisha Ramos

Someone in my neighborhood posted fliers for a Walking Club that started right after Labor Day. I’ve joined the first two walks, which meet Tuesday mornings at the local park. It’s been such a nice way to meet people that live in the neighborhood, and the people that attend (primarily women) are all different ages and have lived in the neighborhood for anywhere from a few months to 20-30 years. I have yet to see someone “in the wild” but I think it’s just a matter of time!

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Sep 13Liked by Alisha Ramos

This newsletter feels like a return to Friday Nights In and I am so here for it! 🙌🏽🙏🏽🫶🏽

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Sep 13Liked by Alisha Ramos

Love Buck Mason… Industry is maddening, but I can’t stop watching (have you seen Bad Monkey with Vince Vaughn? Highly recommend) … as for community, that is such a great topic. I think throughout our lives, in each phase, that’s what we are all wanting. With young children it is so important - and for me that was easier as there were so many groups and other Moms wanting playgroups and various classes and park dates etc. Then the school years were just so busy. Now as an empty nester and my husband and I travel a lot - grateful, but do feel need to be anchored in a community. I definitely need to find some volunteer opportunities in my current spot. Thanks for the reminder!

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I haven’t seen Bad Monkey yet, but that’s a great rec for a new show to start.

Thank you for sharing. Community is so important. I think what is working so far has been trying to find community that fits seamlessly into our currently slightly-chaotic lives as parents to a toddler - the park play dates have come in really nicely and I meet new people there too. And glad to hear the volunteer work was a great reminder!

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I loved Matrix, and it really stayed with me, too. I think a lot about how the main character built a fortress around her convent that allowed her and her nuns to do what they wanted to do. It might sound totally bananas, but that's sort of what I'm trying to do with The Purse. The fortress being a sustainable business model, LOL. Do I sound nuts?

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Not nuts! Badass!

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Sep 13Liked by Alisha Ramos

If you're in NYC or Toronto, I can't recommend Othership more highly for a place to cultivate community <3

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Love this rec, thank you!

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Sep 13Liked by Alisha Ramos

The emojis sold me 😂

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Hahaha yessss!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Activism circles can be wonderful homes for community. Nothing more hopeful or bonding than working to create a better world together!

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